Galeria Azur is pleased to present “Actl 07, an exhibition that brings together a select group of
contemporary artists during Miami’s vibrant art week. This event stands as a meeting point for an audience
seeking to delve deeper into the most innovative trends in global art, in an atmosphere of dialogue and
The exhibition explores the interaction between art and the viewer, revealing how Miami’s cultural diversity
inspires new forms of expression. By bringing together emerging and established voices, the exhibition
invites an enriching experience and an appreciation of contemporary art in its entirety.
Act 07, is a celebration of art in its most dynamic form, where each visit becomes an opportunity to explore
and dialogue about the narratives of the present. We invite you to join this unique experience at Galeria Azur
and be part of this vibrant artistic conversation.
Lucas Kokogian
Art Curator and Art Critic. GALERIA AZUR
Alexander Lara
Andreas Angleitner
Anna Yehorova
Anthony Fazzinga
Cristina Sada
Deborah Bennett-Kagan
Elaine Asarch
Ella Corinteli
Eunha Chung
Gabriela Roman
Giovanni Tresso
Jenny Shaw
Joanna K. Bendyna-Muirhead
Jungmook Jung
Jungsoo Yang
Kyunghee Lee
Lawrence R Armstrong
Letteria Russo
Lihong Zhang
Maria Laura Irrazzabal
Maris Vaivods
Meeyoung Nam
Mi Seon Jeon
Paula Blascke
Rodica Mihaela Ilescu
Sarah Anne Swanson
Sori Choi
Steven Rousakis
Valeria del Valle Valeri Boada
Vivian Dollinger
Zena Kim