< Victoria Mateo



Victoria Mateo loves to identify herself as a mystical painter. As a child, she had a unique upbringing, growing up selling tarot cards at spiritual events organized by her father. Despite being an introverted and hypersensitive little girl, she found solace in her creative pursuits. She recalls feeling a physical discomfort in her throat, hindering her from freely expressing herself.

Her artistic career began by exploring her potential as a comedian, singer, and makeup artist, participating in various musicals committed to the fight against violence against women. Pursuing her pursuit of dreams, she moved to Canada and became a makeup artist, helping women unveil their natural beauty.

However, during the pandemic in 2020, she felt a profound longing to utilize her brushes in a different way, leading her to transition from makeup on faces to painting on rugs.

Driven by an insatiable desire to explore and rediscover the world, she found herself in Bali. It is through her paintings and tattoos that she shares her personal journey as a woman, deeply passionate about growth and self-discovery.

“Through my art, I express feminine sensuality and the transformative power that resides within each individual. For me, the rug symbolizes the ultimate support, inspiring a sense of freedom and boundless dreaming. Like Aladdin’s magic carpet, it allows us to take flight, leaving behind fears and limitations as we soar above the world.”


August 2022:
Solo exhibition – Ubud-Bali-Indonesia

December 2022:
Magazine feature – ESTILA

March 2023:
Solo exhibition – Ubud-Bali-Indonesia

May 2023:
Magazine feature – WOMEN UNITED ART MAGAZINE – In the spotlight – Issue 3

July 2023:
Magazine feature – 365+ ART MAGAZINE – Magazine cover – Case 45

July 2023:
Represented by ARTEZZA GROUP – California-USA

July 2023:
Solo exhibition at ParQ Space – Ubud – Bali

August 2023:
Exhibition – AZUR GALLERY – Madrid-Spain


« The black and white faces in my paintings reflect the enigmatic depths and contrasts of our human consciousness, adorned with ethereal lights and haunting shadows. Guided by the mystical wisdom of the 22 major arcana tarot cards, each artwork emanates profound layers of energy. The mesmerizing pattern of the carpet intertwines with the faces, unlocking the secret chambers of our unconscious, and leaving an indelible mark upon our souls like mystical tattoos. The central mandala amplifies the voice of the soul, expressing its truth, wisdom, and strength. The carpets beckon you to jump on them, like Aladdin’s magic carpet, and soar to reclaim your inner freedom.

Influenced by a Balinese-Oriental bohemian gypsy vibe, I paint these Turkish tapestries using acrylic, embellishing them with fringes, coins, and sewn jewelry. Suspended from the walls by sacred, varnished Balinese lianas, these creations become portals to otherworldly realms.

Through the alchemy of art and spirituality, these creations transform into magical talismans creating a powerful space for contemplation. As our gaze dances upon their visage, the carpet paves the way for visualization practices.

Join me on this mystical odyssey, where art becomes the alchemical vessel unveiling the profound mysteries of our existence, awakening the dormant magic within, and honoring the divine tapestry of our souls. »