< Maree Neilsen



My story as an emerging Artist begins with a focus upon developing self … so that we can develop others. I value lifelong learning and know that learning done through experience can be our own personal investment in developing self-awareness, self-understanding and self-belief. I build my sense of identity through my artwork and creativity. A confidence about my own unique skills and how I can offer them to the world we share is an empowering opportunity of contribution to the culture locally and globally. I have a strong belief that the arts can lead change.
Building Yallaroo Studio : Courage and a growth mindset were at the fore as I forged a new learning space for self and others through the establishment of Yallaroo Studio in early 2023. An open-air studio became reality and brought together community to engage in the enjoyment of creativity. The studio helped confirm my identity and sense of place in a broad art world. Most of all the studio is my place to paint and create. As Picasso said “art washes from the soul the dust of everyday”.
The creative process for me is the joy of making something beautiful to share with others and I acknowledge this as a powerful vehicle for healing. Investing in understanding and developing my creative process has given me a confidence to be both courageous to share my work while also being vulnerable in the sharing the story that is hidden within the work. Through my artwork I celebrate life, my love of outside spaces, the sky, the land the water. Many artists investigate with intention the complex and competing narratives of humanity as we walk the earth. I endeavour to peel back complexity and reconnect with nature in the simplest forms.
Key features of my work: My own life reflection upon those that have inspired me leads me to call out famous names such as Monet, Van Gogh and Gustav Klimt. My connection to nature is shared with these artists but also the different ways in which each artist utilizes colour, texture and line. My work embraces the joy of shimmer through rich gold, coppers and bronzes to embellish and highlight the beauty of a subject. I use colour, line and texture as a vehicle to curiously celebrate the joy of nature through acrylic mediums. My work is largely impressionist in style.



Art Journal : Artis Closeup magazine
– Blog interview ON-LINE
– Blog profile – ON-LINE
– Magazine publications Issue #11 pg 153 , Issue #14 pg 41, Issue #16 pg 50, Issue #19 due for release mid-June

Professional business name: Yallaroo Studio




My personal guarantee of authenticity as an emerging artist:

I bring to my work, my artist colleagues, and my growing art community and networks;a clear intention of sharing a love of lifelong learning through the arts and a growth mindset that everyone can learn through creative expression; an ability to make connections and meaning through artwork of the world around us.
Through my work and through the delivery of workshops at Yallaroo Studio I am purposeful about developing shared learning opportunities to; engage with self through the arts and the creative process; Contribute to the world through my own unique skills and learnings; foster curiosity about self, others and our world through the art and most importantly to share joy in the beauty of the world through an explicit intention to reflect nature in my work