< Juli Etta



Born 1982 in Hilden, living in Solingen – Germany

Early artistic support by the Solingen artist Gisela Putra

2002 – 2006 Art studies at the Ruhrakademie Schwerte, degree in Fine Arts under the guidance of the Düsseldorf artist Hans-Jörg Holubitschka

Subsequently, studies of art history and ancient cultures at the Heinrich – Heine – University Düsseldorf with Bachelor of Arts 2009 and Master of Arts 2013

2009 – 2011Traineeship at Schloss Burg an der Wupper

Member of the artgroup Kunstraum
Member of the German Watercolor Society


Sept. 2023 ArtExpo Algarve – Gaudi Gallery/Madrid
Aug. 2023 Art Monaco – Monat Gallery/Madrid
Jun – Okt 2023 „Lost Places“ Gruppenausstellung im LVR Industriemuseum Gesenkschmiede Hendrich, Solingen
Apr. 2023 „Mostra d‘arte contemporanea“ Hotel Splendida/Lugano – Artastasia Project
Apr. 2023 „Shores of the Sea“ Virtual Exhibition – Monat Gallery/Madrid
Apr. 2023 Internationaler Salon zeitgenössischer Kunst im Carrousel du Louvre/ Paris – Parcus Gallery
Feb. 2023 Kunstmesse Turin – Parcus Gallery
Jan. 2023 BOOT 2023 Messe Düsseldorf
Dez. 22 – Jan. 23 „Feel“ Contemporary Virtual Exhibition
Okt. 2022 Artbox Projekt „Miami 3.0“
Virtual Exhibition
Okt. 2022 Kunst im Herbst
Gruppenausstellung im Botanischen Garten Solingen
Sep. 2022 Artbox Project „Palma 1.0“
Virtual Exhibition
Sep. 2022 Lost Places
Gruppenausstellung im Atelier Kunstraum
Aug. 2022 Artbox Project „Zürich 4.0“
Virtuell Exhibition
Juli 2007 Faces
Münstertherme Düsseldorf


Together we can change the world – art will be our language
Pictures reach everyone, touch, fascinate, irritate and provide plenty to talk about. Freely according to the motto: Is that art, or can that go away?
I get inspired by what I see and by what moves me. I collect ideas on my travels and wherever I am on the road.
Nature is close to my heart and very often I am shocked by the way people treat their environment. With my pictures I want to bring people closer to the beauty of nature and especially its inhabitants. To show, look, if we are not careful, we will destroy it.
Therefore, my pictures are portraits. Portraits of animals on land and water. Because everyone has a right to live his life, be it man or animal. Only sometimes you have to remind people of that. In my case through a picture.