< Fortea Gallart



Jorge Fortea Gallart was born in Valencia, Spain, on May 15, 1997.

He finished his university studies in Fine Arts at the Polytechnic University of Valencia in 2020.

He carries out his works in the well-known “Color Elefante” studio, a place with more than twenty years in the history of art and located in the heart of the neighborhood of Ruzafa, considered as one of the most important points of the Valencian artistic scene and where the internationally known biennial “Russafart” festival is held.

Fortea Gallart is a versatile artist, specialized in the intervention of artistic support. With his work he experiments with the search of new dialogues between painting and empty space. He mainly works with wood, breaking the margins of the plane, interior and exterior, combining tradition and modernity.

Art and craft merge into a claim by the multidisciplinary artist.



2020. Graduated in Fine Arts from the Faculty of Fine Arts of Sant Carles,
Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV)


05/02/2020 “Linea a.2.5”. Facultat Belles Arts de Sant Carles Universitat Politécnica de Valencia.

03/06/2020. “Russafart 2020”. Color Elefante. Calle Sevilla 26. Valencia. España.

05/10/2020. “Cuerpo y Alma”. Biblioteca Casa de la Reina. Valencia. España.

19/11/2021. Sala Campoamor. Concejalía de juventud. Valencia. España.

03/06/2022. “Russafart 2022”. Color Elefante. Calle Sevilla 26. Valencia. España.

02/12/2022. Botadura. Calle Josep Benlliure. Valencia. España.


When I empty the wood and make visible the wall behind it, shadows, lights and color emerge as part of the composition, an element that is beyond my control, causing the work to be completed organic in its interior, while the forms break its the external limits, escaping from the prison of the artistic medium, like a gratitude to that wall that will always support them and that now they embrace with freedom.