< Elias Lorenzer



Elias Lorenzer is a Swiss artist specialized in acrylic paintings, ranging from landscapes, portraits to abstract patterns.
An abstract and cubist painter, his vision and passion are reflected in his artistry.
Drawing inspirations from Pablo Picasso and other innovative old world painting styles.
After successful ventures in Switzerland, he decided to take his talents to Texas to pursue the American dream.
His trademark “Women of Dreams” and his western style paintings are projects that are very close to his heart.


Art Exhibition at Atelier Lorenzer in Weinfelden, Switzerland 2018, 2019

Art Exhibition at Atelier Rosenrot in St.Gallen, Switzerland 2021

Art Installation at Live Bistro Weinfelden Switzerland 2020 – present

Art and Antique Fall Show at the Arbors in Round Top, Texas 2023

Art and Antique Spring Show at the Arbors in Round Top, Texas 2024

Gallery Falcon and Owl in Waco, Texas 2024 – present


I love to paint. There is no better feeling then being in my Studio and letting the colors run over the canvas. It always allows me to find peace in the working process. I always have new ideas for new projects and paintings. The best thing about creating a new art piece is, everything is silent. Just me and my painting.