< Viera ŠÁGOVÁ




My name is Viera Šágová, I live and work in Košice, Slovakia. I got into creating and painting since childhood, I painted well at school, they enrolled me in an elementary art school. After that, I was going to secondary art school, where I was not accepted due to lack of space. I wanted to study painting, but the field of restoration was open. I stayed to study in my hometown, where I was taken without admission to the Secondary Agricultural School with an economic focus, as my body began to show a neuromuscular disease, muscular dystrophy in the initial stage, which gradually worsened with age. After finishing school, I got a job at the labor office as a clerk, but I didn’t stop painting and creating. I painted only sporadically for friends and acquaintances. After finishing my job at the office, I wanted to continue painting, devote myself to art, work in a library or bookstore, but somehow art didn’t fulfill me. I was looking for a deeper meaning and I couldn’t find it in art. I found him gradually through Buddhism, Hinduism, in the person of Jesus Christ, who deals with existentialism, life itself, teachings about life. My spiritual sight opened, which was different from Buddhism, I understood life in its essence and depth and I am still finding new perspectives. After three years of Christian studies at home, I got a job in the Christian bookstore Brána in Košice in the courtyard of the Evangelical church. I enjoyed psychological books, handmade products that I could make and sell myself and use my creative, business and spiritual knowledge in the bookstore. Later, after seven years, I became independent, started a business and created, sold handmade by myself at events, on the Internet, in brick-and-mortar stores. Later I went back to painting. I started painting more in 2015 and I think my painting is still developing. In the beginning, I was inclined towards minimalism and geometry. Polygonal graphics fascinated me at the time. Simple, more neutral tones, contrasts, clean, structural surfaces, simplicity in colors.


I started painting since 2015. In 2018, I had one solo exhibition at the Club in Košice, Slovakia.


My theme in the painting is the contrast of darkness and joy, as well as expressing the relationship to creation and life in abstract painting. I mainly use geometry, but I try to combine it with more natural and finer elements. Inspiration I find in nature, the universe, in the atmosphere and art. I use acrylic paint, ink, spray, glitter and phosphorus. I am aesthetically perceptive to micro-macro art found in the universe, in nature, in the atmosphere … I deal with theme of light, contrasts between darkness and light, symbolism, mixing colors. By separating and combining two or three color shades it intensifies the relationship (of colors); my goal is to dominate by minimalism and simplicity. Elements in my painting are basic geometric shapes, lines, landscape, sun, moon, gold, silver, black, gray, a rainbow combination, phosphorus, contrast, harmony, symbolism, darkness, light and joy.