< Synthetic Deployment



Arnau Tàsies is a Spanish artist. He has been in contact with arts and music since he was a little child. He has lived in Barcelona, Dublin, Milano and New York. During his University years he studied design and digital arts. His work uses technology and new media to explore the connections between computers and art, creating still frames and image sequences. He also performs live audiovisual shows where he creates generative and parametric images in front of an audience.
His works swing back and forth between hyperrealism and abstract synthetic imaginary creating oneiric athmospheres.
Considering himself a digital artisan, all his artworks are printed in high quality archival ink and are unique, each artwork is printed only once (1/1 series).
As a professor and speaker, he has been lecturing during the last ten years about design, multimedia, audio, photography, video, animation, digital fabrication, programming languages and artificial intelligence and how this disciplines and tools are linked and can be used to produce art and generate cultural products.


Bachelor Arts & Design. ELISAVA & Winchester School of Art. Barcelona (2007 – 2011)

“Llum Barcelona” at NODO studio 2018 and 2019.
“Maker Faire Rome 2016”
“In(3D)ustry” Additive & Advanced Manufacturing. Barcelona 2016
“Art Lover Ground” Barcelona 2016.
“Tarantino” at “M” STUDIO SPACE & GALLERY. Barcelona 2016
“Barcelona Designers Collective Young Talents” Barcelona 2015
“Hong Kong Design Week”. Hong-Kong 2015
“Fora de Lloc” Laus Awards, DHUB Barcelona 2015
“Deep End” at “The Wassaic Project”. New York 2015
Bagni di Lucca Art Festival. Italia 2014
Bagni di Lucca Art Festival. Italia 2013
International Day of Peace, Benetton. Barcelona 2012
Steve Jobs Tribute, Benetton. Milan 2012
Videowall Benetton “Sant Jordi”. Barcelona 2011
Mobile World Congress – The Networked Society. Barcelona 2011


His line of work is focused on an intimate relationship with technology and new media. Exploring the limits of language and communication through software, algorithms and machines and taking a postmodern attitude as a prelude for the aesthetic deployment. His artwork oscillates between glitch aesthetics, postinternet, net art and CGI. Inhabiting liminal microscopic spaces and synthesizing the tactile physical world along with the visual experience of digital media.
A personal research and exploration mediated by hardware, computational procedures and algorithmic logic bringing together the visual content and haptic experience.