< Romana Schmitt (rosch)
Czech Republic



I graduated from a graphic arts school in Prague. I have been painting since 2003. I paint on canvases of mostly larger sizes, often supplementing the painting with spatula effects, scratches, combined techniques, watercolor underpaintings, graphic elements and structures.
I find inspiration for my work not only in everyday life, in nature and its transformations, architecture, but also in the infinite universe, spiritual and supernatural world. I transfer my perception of these facts and feelings to my abstract works.


•NY – group exhibition •Rome International Art Fair |group. exhibition of paintings (top 10) •Gallery U ZLATÉHO KOHOUTA II. |Prague- group exhibition 🏅ART VUE Winter competition-Special Mention Award •BMW RENOCAR museum |Brno, charity event
•Felixír |Prague evening by Felix Slováček, support with the painting “KAIMANKA”
🏅EUROPEAN ART AWARDS – 7th place /Inspiring Nassau prize •Gallery U ZLATÉHO KHOUTA |Prague exhibition of paintings ,,TOGETHER,, • graphic designs of 9 covers of audio games •Shooting Island |Prague, exhibition of paintings
•Mánes Gallery |Prague, charity group exhibition,,On the wings of art,, •Art Cafe |České Budějovice, painting exhibition “MIRACULUM”
•Gallery AT THE GOLDEN ROOSTER |Prague, exhibition of paintings ,,BETWEEN HEAVEN AND EARTH,,
•Gallery Lapidarium |Prague, group art salon •Gallery Tunklův dvorec |Zábřeh, exhibition of paintings,,METAMORPHÓZY,,
2018/ 2019 •Still Life Gallery |Prague, exhibition of paintings “BELOW THE SURFACE”
•Ladronka Estate|Prague, an exhibition of paintings and photographs under the auspices of the city district of Prague 6 •Water, seas, oceans |Hluboká nad Vltavou – exhibition of paintings •Ladronka Estate |Prague, exhibition of paintings “ELEMENTS,” •Atelier Art Fest |Prague •CARent Prague |exhibition •Art Cafe | České Budějovice, exhibition of paintings,,ELEMENTS,,
•CZECH RADIO |České Budějovice, painting exhibition •Gallery on the fifth floor |Prague 10, exhibition of paintings “TRANSFORMATIONS”
under the auspices of the mayor of the municipality of P-10 •SMALL TALK |Prague exhibition under the auspices of the mayor of Prague 1, Oldřich Lomecký. Exhibition of paintings (ROSCH) and photographs by Jakub Ludvík. •Wine shop under Pramen |Prague, exhibition of energetik paintings “Love your life” •GALVÍNA GALLERY |Bechyně, exhibition of paintings “Metamorphoses”
•CZECH RADIO |České Budějovice, painting exhibition “Between Worlds” •SORTE OYNE |České Budějovice, exhibition of paintings • OLD HALL OF PRAGUE |”Personalities between the worlds”, exhibition under the auspices of Prague Mayor Jan Wolf. Connecting two worlds •SOLIDET GALLERY |Prague – author’s exhibition of paintings “The Way….between Worlds”
2014 •JET SET |Prague, Color Fusion Project. A combination of the two artistic directions of painting and artistic photography.


I try to infuse my work positive energy, as well as color and my dream is for my work to bring a sense of light and harmony into human minds and souls.

My work is perharps best characterized by the quotebof painter Paul Klee:”Art does not reproduce the visible;rather, it makes visible”. 🤍Rosch |