< Nicole Adolph



Sometimes I need lots of bright, colorful colors – I don’t know exactly what will be the result when i start working on a painting. Sometimes I work with acrylic paints, spray, chalk, pens, putty and whatever else comes in my way… Other times I need it gently and more intensively and with a plan – here I sometimes work on one painting for several weeks to get the desired depth. I mostly do this in combination with oil paints. Brushes, hands and painting knives are often used. After my rounds of painting, I always look like a painting by. My own region is slowly becoming too narrow and small for me and I want my art to go out into the big wide world!

In 2020 I started painting intensively and did most of it myself as an autodidact. Supported by many great workshops with great artists like Waldemar Erz, Melanie Geis and Ilona Griss-Schwärzler. Exchanging ideas with others in networks also inspires and motivates me.


01.04.-25.05.2024 Galerie So, Hamburg
Werke der Serie “Move meets illusion”

19.04. – 17.05.2024 Galerie Azur, Berlin
Werke der Serie “Fernweh” und “Move meets illusion”

13. – 16. Juni 2024 ARTEXPO Basel (Flughafen Basel-Mulhouse)
Werke der Serie Illusions

25.11.2023 Aktion Kunst im Salon, Kollnau

01.10. – 03.11.2023 Kurhaus Freiamt
Werke der Serie “Zartes aus Öl” trifft auf “PopArt”

08.09. – 24.09.2023 Gemeinschaftsausstellung Denzlingen

06.09.-10.09.2023 ARTBOX.PROJECT Zürich 5.0

06.05. – 08.07.2023 Kunst in EM, Emmendingen

22./23.10.2022 Artothek in Emmendingen – Plakat und Einladung – Präsentiert wird die Serie “Fernweh”, “Windows” und Einzelstücke

09.-25.09.2022 Galerie Altes Rathaus Denzlingen

23.06.2022-21.07.2022: Stadt Waldkirch “Badisches Dreierlei”
Serien “tierisch gut!”, Fernweh und Illusions

07.03.2022 – 06/2022: Ausstellung in Waldkirch-Kollnau
Serie “tierisch gut!”

26.03.2022 Kunst hilft! Benefizaktion in der “Alten Stadtapotheke in Emmendingen”

14.01.2022-24.02/2022: Schaufensterausstellung in der Volksbank Emmendingen


“It doesn’t work – it doesn’t exist!” is still my motto. Trying things out and discovering new things or creating additional works for my existing series fulfills me.

In the Azur Gallery I am able to present works from my series “Fernweh”, which was created at a time when travel was forbidden and I was driven by a longing for vacations in the south and north.

The series “move meets illusion” is about my passion for dance and the show stage. Here I combine my art with dance, magic and illusion.