< Mariafergo Art


My name is Maria José, I am from Madrid, adventurous, curious, and I love to create new things from my inner fantasy.

I often find my inspiration in the silent and serene power that emanates from the feminine energy, its immense capacity for creation full of endless and unimaginable fantasy, its regenerative capacity, looking at its roots for the beauty of the simplest things, which in turn reflects the imperfect and complex part of duality.

the natural landscapes of each place on earth.  the intriguing lines of expression and vibrant colors that form simple compositions of great interior complexity.

Since the last ten years I live in Holland and previously lived in Italy for seven years.

Lover of art and beautiful things that are perceived with the eyes in harmony with that beauty invisible to the eyes.


I work with national and international art galleries, I have exhibited in international contemporary art fairs in Europe, in this last year I have exhibited my work in International ARt Vienna, Art 3Paris, Galeria Espacio Mados Madrid, Galeria Gaudi Madrid , Polarijs Art Works Galerij in Holland and Art 3 International Belgium