< Jantien Salomons



My whole youth I was surrounded by nature: you could find me in the meadows, forests climbing trees and on the mighty seas and oceans, spending long summers on my father’s sea ship. Growing up in the countryside in the northern part of the Netherlands I literally took my first steps on UNESCO’s natural world heritage site the Wadden Islands and revisit each year. This all together makes me feel at home in the middle of nature. I respect its power and wisdom and am impressed by nature’s sublime beauty, resulting in the desire to share this love with my paintings and to reconnect the viewer with nature and our living planet.

After a study at the Royal Academy of Arts in The Hague (at the Dutch seaside) and education by well-known Dutch artists, I explored and studied together with co-creators. Creating is just the start of the art process, the circle is complete when someone takes my artwork into their life. We are not separate, we all are one and art connects: being an artist fills me with gratitude.


AWARD: selected from 3500 submissions to be exhibited next to world famous painting of Vermeer ‘Girl with a Pearl Earring’ Museum Mauritshuis the Hague, Holland May 2023

Milan Gallery Art Space 2023
Art & Luxury Fair Grand Hotel Huis ter Duin 2023

Elegance Fair Estate Parc Broekhuizen 2022
Stone Gallery Tindalvilla 2022
Dubai, London, Paris Hilton 2022

Before ’22:
Several exhibitions each year.

Special honor:
World Forum the Hague, exhibition ‘Peace and Justice’, opened by the mayor.


Living nature and our planet Earth are my endless sources. I love to highlight them in my work and regard my paintings as visual Poems. My art is large, bold and abstract expressionistic. The thick layers of paint are often finished with a touch of gold to express the abundance of nature.

Abstract art can touch your soul. Bringing fantasy into our lives provides us with the feeling of boundless possibilities. I love to share this creative magic and invite you to colour your life with positive energy inspired by nature.