< Daniela Kammerer



As a child growing up in the north and south of Germany, she looked over the shoulder of her mother, who illustrated famous fairy tales and books and liked to devote herself to tiny details, such as a drop of water on a butterfly wing. So it seems that her mother zoomed into the microcosm of the world, and Daniela Kammerer kept looking at the world from the meta-level to do justice to her large formats – up to 10 meters. Thus, the artist hopes to inspire people with her works, to honor this beautiful place Earth, to preserve and to “save” the world through creativity and art. The artist has completed 3 courses of study In design, art and art therapy and her immense curiosity has led her to further studies with shamanic healers. She teaches painting and art therapy at various universities and academies. The artist has exhibited her art nationally and internationally for 25 years, acquired various awards and has purchases around the world.


Studies: 2008 – 2011 Academy of Fine Arts Munich, Art and Therapy|2004 – 2007 University of Augsburg, Art Education and Ethnology|1984 – 1989 Augsburg University of Applied Sciences, Communication Design and ArtStudies with Prof. Joachim Palm, Markus Lüpertz and many others.

• ZwischenLeben, Martinipark, Ecke-Galerie Augsburg
• „Götterfunken 2.0“, Orangerie München
• Große Schwäbische Kunstausstellung, H2, Augsburg
• Ostallgäuer Kunstausstellung, Museum Marktoberdorf
• FAT artfair Schaffhausen, Schweiz
• 73. Große Schwäbische, Augsburg
• Artig, Kempten
• B2, Galerie Berlin, Villem 7, Berlin
• 70. Große Schwäbische, Sonderauasstellung im Kunstmuseum H2, Augsburg
• Ostallgäuer Kunstausstellung, Museum Marktoberdorf
• Kunstperformance “Haut um’s Hirn”, öffentlicher Raum, Moritzkirche Augsburg
• Passanten, Öffentlicher Raum Ammer, Augsburg
• “Blütenknall”, Einzelausstellung Museum Oberschönenfeld
• Reisen mit schwerem und leichtem Gepäck, Galerie Süsskind, Augsburg
• Haut um‘s Hirn, Sonderausstellung im Museum H2-Glaspalast, Augsburg
• Buchprojekt „Haut um’s Hirn“
• Galerie Ecke, Augsburg
• “rumkugeln auffliegen”, Galerie Süßkind, Augsburg
• “es geht aufwärts”, Sonderausstellung Galerie Noah-Glaspalast, Augsburg
• Kunst im Schloss, Wertingen
• 37. Ostallgäuer Kunstaustellung, Museum Marktoberdorf


I paint “unseen landscapes” on giant canvases with acrylic, oil and egg tempera.
My inspirations are fed from nature impressions of my worldwide travels. Thus, the eye in my painting sometimes guesses recognizable natural details, which alternate but already in the next moment with abstract formations and produce peculiar dimensions. I want to take the viewer into a world that allows new perspectives and creations for each life and break boundaries through my different dimensions – in the minds and in the hearts.
I connect my seismographic brushstrokes, fed by my meditations in nature, with my memories of the world and natural beauty. With my decades of elaborate techniques and color worlds, I depict the uniqueness of each living thing and diversity.
My landscapes entice you to take visual walks and leave room for your own associations. Many of my series of works refer to the universal interconnectedness of all beings and plants on this globe and my deepest desire to preserve it. The work titles “Memory of the World”, “Gods Spark 2.0” and “Unseen Landscapes” arise on the one hand from my observations and inner images of the sometimes doom threatening world and on the other hand the hope that art and creativity makes people and the world better and perhaps also saves.
I transfer my pictorial creations likewise into large ceramic works, which call themselves “source area” and tell again of the origin and survival of mankind. My joyful and lush coloring in all my works, shows my hope to survive. The only question is whether humanity or only Mother Earth .