< Yasmin Drummond


Yasmin is a British contemporary artist, born in Germany of Middle Eastern heritage, who has lived in 14 countries in 4 continents.

Immersed in art since she was a child, Yasmin has never stopped experimenting with techniques, expanding her artistic universe and inspirations.

She manipulates paint, various mediums and inks to create different textures and effects. Her works are mainly abstract. She is passionate about colours but at times works in black and white, so as not to distract from the main themes of the paintings.


Yasmin has participated in various solo and group exhibitions internationally.

Yasmin’s works are in private collections, commercial offices and royal collections. (In UK, US, Dubai, Fiji, Australia, New Zealand, Spain, Bahrain, Germany, the Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, France and Lebanon.)

In Fiji, her collaborations with local artists helped persuade the Fijian government to found The National Museum of Contemporary Art.


In Bahrain: 65 works – British Embassy 2020

Humanity and our commonalities – Harbour Gate – Bahrain Financial Harbour 2021

In London, 2016-19: Resident Artist @508 King’s Road Gallery

Bring Spring Into Chelsea, 2018

Complete Abstraction, 508 King’s Road, 2017

Josephine Clavel Gallery, 2018

Le Dame Gallery, 100% Abstract, 2018

Brick Lane Gallery, Group Exhibition, 2017

In Fiji, 2013-16: Leleuvia Gallery

Fiji National Museum

Alliance Francaise Suva

British High Commission Suva


Her abstract creations celebrate humanity and our commonalities regardless of race, gender and class. What fascinates her is that despite differences in cultures, traditions and religion we connect with each other through these shared commonalities and our shared basic experiences, needs and aspirations that are an integral part of the human condition.