< Ilan Sadeh


From childhood I loved to paint and sculpt, I learned in all sorts of ways, in classes, from friends, from reading, observing, in professional schools and especially while working and discussing art with friends. This is the thing I love most and I try to do as much as possible.



“Camera obscura” Tel-Aviv Institute of photography- 1983

“Kalisher 5” Tel-Aviv Institute of Art – 1986-90 – Diploma

Tel-Aviv University-Philosophy and Art history- 1992-3

Beer-Sheba Technological Institute-Computer multimedia- 1997


Varies exhibitions in galleries in Tel-Aviv and surroundings

Published works on a few editions of digital magazines of poetry, literature and art

Most Recent:

Twenty Four Seven, Tova Osman Gallery, Tel-Aviv, 2017.

Permanent exhibition, N.C.B.S. Shop Gallery, Tel-Aviv, 2017

Twenty Four Seven(2), Tova Osman Gallery, Tel-Aviv, 2017.

Fantasy, Yavne’s Art Workshop Gallery, Yavne, 2018

Dissipate wind, Tardis Gallery, Tel-Aviv, 2018.

Eitherway, Central Gallery c.b.s. Tel-Aviv, 2021

Naazuzim & Naalulim, ND gallery, Ramat-Gan, 2021

Autumn salon, ND Gallery, Ramat-Gan, 2021


In my work I aspire to open points of view to thoughts and ideas using concise visual language to arouse memories, associations and conceptual ideas. The material that individualizes me are pieces of the printed layer only, of paper napkins with dynamic motifs from the plant world. In the paintings I place them on a jute that adds character and texture, on which I paint in acrylic paints and sometimes add industrial paints. In sculpture I create an image of a creature representing any living creature or alternatively, my self-portrait, made of those thin pieces of paper that become delicate skin stretched on a skeleton made of coop net and wire, usually combined with Ready Made object. The materials in general, reflects the fragility and perishable nature of life and on the other hand, strength and resilience that enables me to aim for the next step.