< Dieter Benz



Both have always been there.
The sense of a center within me and the interest in engaging with the outer world that surrounds me. Philosophy, history, religion and travel were important companions along the way. In order to find a visible expression, I started out working with clay. First I created forms, later sculptures. Then came drawing. I preferred figures that moved to still lifes and nude models. Musicians, dancers, crows. I created colored graphics. In painting, I combined color and graphics.


Since 1995 works in his own studio, beginning a catalog raisonné. 2001 Participation in the “2nd World Festival of Art on Paper” Ljubiljana. Winner of the competition “Kunst am Bau”, new Elzbrücke Emmendingen. There is a 10 meter high movement sculpture made of stainless steel by me. Performances. Solo exhibitions, group exhibitions. Examples: Galerie im Tor, Emmendingen. Merzhausen town hall, Emmendingen town hall, Depot K., Freiburg. 2019 Admission to the Professional Association of Visual Artists. 2022 Scholarship from the state of Baden- Württemberg. 2022 Performance pictures, texts, singing.


Movement is visible in all my pictures.
I love movement in all its forms.
Movement means change.
Change is letting go and not holding on.
Letting go is the step towards something new.
Letting go means moving on with all openness to what is to come.
My paintings contain
An artistic representation of physical movement and change.
The title of the picture opens up further horizons