< Tanya Fedorovskaya



Tanya Fedorovskaya is an artist, director, and screenwriter. From a very young age, Tanya has had a passion for drawing and creating stories. She describes herself as a “child artist,” who does not follow strict rules and boundaries to allow herself the freedom of creativity. Although she calls herself an “artist who cannot draw,” her works have captured the hearts of many viewers and experts.

Tanya has received several awards for her films, including a BAFTA award for a film about her family, who survived the Holocaust. Currently, she is engaged in the development and creation of installations that combine video and physical forms.

If you are interested in experimenting with color, form, and texture, be sure to visit Tanya Fedorovskaya’s exhibition and enjoy her bright and original works.



My name is Tatyana Fedorovskaya, and I am an artist and director. I believe that art should convey not only beauty, but also important messages to the world.

Through my paintings, I explore the complex and multifaceted nature of humanity. I paint portraits and figures that reflect the diversity of people and their emotions, experiences, and struggles. Each painting is an opportunity for me to delve deeper into the human psyche and capture something that words cannot express.

But my art is not only about the image on the canvas. On the back of each painting, I draw a neutral figure with balloons instead of a head. This way, every canvas becomes a manifesto. The balloons symbolize our dreams, aspirations, and hopes for a better future. And the neutral figure represents our common humanity, beyond all the labels and prejudices that divide us.

I believe that art has the power to bring people together, to inspire change, and to make the world a better place. And I hope that my art can contribute to this mission, even in a small way.

Thank you for taking the time to read my manifesto.