< Tammy Spear
United States



Tammy Spear, 1962, born in Jonesboro, Tennessee, US, is based in
Summerfield, NC. She uses mixed media to paint her abstract paintings. Her
technique incorporates vibrant colors, music, dance, emotions and
interactions experienced in humans and nature.

Constant motion and the impact it has on our surroundings is a recurring
theme in Tammy’s work. She believes the continuous motion of nature and
humans all have consequences that affect their surroundings.
Her paintings can bring happiness and make one cognizant of potential
changes in our interactions that can be life altering.


Professional Summary : Movement inspired abstract artist.

Education: University of North Carolina-Greensboro BA
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill

Showings 4/24 Clarion Hotel Erie, PA “Flaming”
3/24 Webster Art Gallery Missouri
1/24 311 Gallery Raleigh, NC
9/23 Hirsch Art Auction

Media 1/24 The Art World Post
1/24 Carolina Muse



Music, dance, and vibrant color start my creative process.

Motion and its resultant interactions create the essence of my paintings. Interactions from movement affect others and our world. The environment around me is inspiration; butterflies, homelessness, climate crisis.

Actions impact all; whether negative or positive. I would like everyone to be reminded of this through my paintings.