< SIkart


Sikart is a concept about the way we see light colors and multiculturalism.

My artist name as a meaningful sense . It’s a mix of two words , Sika which means in an African dialect born on a Monday and something as precious as gold.

Art has always been a big and inspiring part of my life , so I put those two words together to represent the importance of my background and how it has influenced Fay way to see the world , a world full of original responses with a bit of colours and a splash of human gold.


2021 Exhibition Abstract Art with the gallery Libre Est l’Art-Paris

Exhibition “ WINDOWS PROJECT Acte III /En attendant – Espace Immanence – Paris Presentation of O’AFRIKA ( 21 x 27 cm ) An abstract and figurative piece using aquarel painting and collage Link :

Exhibition Confini with in Milan ( Italy) with the Divulgarti Group Presentation of two abstract pieces FURY ( 120 x 40 cm ) & MESANGE ( 120 x 40

Exhibition at the Horset hotel , Paris ( 75 ) with Essential Arts PATRIMOINE Presentation of two pieces “ A NATURE “ ( 50 x 50 cm ) and A SEA ( 46 x 33 cm ) from the collection A SHAPE SERIES

Online exhibition with Essential Arts “ Un œil sur l’œuvre” Link :

Exhibition “Abstract & Colours “ at the LUMEN Hotel with Essential Arts , Paris ( 75) Presentation of A CULTURE ( 84 x 73 cm )

PERFORM ART #5 Artistic event with exhibitions and concerts of emerging artists in Paris , Evry (91) Presentation of several pieces as a retrospective of my last work from two different collections A SHAPE SERIES , THE BRIGHT IS ALWAYS RIGHT and other pieces

2022 Online exhibition EPHEMERAL with Capital Culture House Presentation of three pieces A NATURE , A GREEN PAST , A SEA & SUN

Exhibition at the LUMEN Hotel with Essential Arts , Paris ( 75) Presentation of two pieces A FUEL TO FIRE I , A FUEL TO FIRE II


Painting is a way for me to express what I have deep inside , my emotions , my journey , a part of my culture that somehow I can’t express verbally.Abstract and contemporary art done with acrylic painting by brushes, spatulas and painting cellotape and bright colours , it enables me to show how life is still beautiful and simple to live if we experience it as human would do with its ups and downs , by always find a bright side in everything , by make people travel through my art.