< Picaroon



Rebecca Gischel, born 1989, is a Munich-based artist working in the field of interactive art and abstract paintings. Her work is driven by the desire to explore universal feelings and emotions of human existence in its constant evolving and changing nature. She draws inspiration from philosophy, literature, long stays in nature and by observing the social life around her. Rebecca completed a Master’s Degree in the area of interactive art in 2013 in Edinburgh, Scotland and founded Picaroon the following year in order to intensify her interactive art. Alongside interactive art, she started to intensify abstract painting in 2015. Her work has been shown several times since 2013 at renowned art festivals, such as the Ars Electronica Festival in Linz, AT, or the Aurora Light Festival in Dallas, USA.


2012-2013: Studied Interaction Design (Master of Arts) at Edinburgh Napier University with the focus on interactive art. Graduated with the “Master with Distinction”

2013: Awarded with the University Medal from Edinburgh Napier University

2013: Exhibited the interactive art installation „Global Sounds“ at the Ars Electronica festival in Linz, AT

2013-2014: Lecturer for “Interactive Experiences” and „Digital Design“ at Edinburgh Napier University

2014: Exhibited the interactive art installation “Tangible Orchestra” at the 3D Printshow in London, UK 2

014: Exhibited the interactive art installation “Tangible Orchestra” at the Science Center in Glasgow, UK

2014: Scholarship of the Arts Trust Scotland 2014: Scholarship of the ideasTap Britain Since

2014: Lives and works in Munich 2015: Exhibited the interactive art installation “Global Sounds” at the Dallas Aurora Light Festival in Dallas, USA

2018: Exhibited the interactive art installation „Surface X“ at Dachau Castle, DE

2018: Exhibited the interactive art installation „Surface X“ at the Ars Electronica festival in Linz, AT Since

2019: Additional intensifying of her abstract paintings 2022: Exhibited her abstract paintings at the solo exhibition „Sediments“ at the popup gallery Runde Ringe in Munich, DE


Sediments. Layer by layer, pigments form new structures, merge with yesterday, cover it or expose it. Each layer contains an idea of the past and conserves it at the same time. Forever visible. Forever hidden. Her abstract paintings uncover inner struggles, needs and desires. Emotions are explored and renegotiated. Forms of expression are overwritten and values redefined. She strives to create art with the most immediate and intuitive approach possible. Paintings that – just like the emotions from which it arises – speak a universal language.