< Paula Jo Lentz
United States



I am an artist. I create to inspire, heal, and share beauty. I grew up in Tacoma, Washington spending many years in New Orleans, stopping into Chicago and Pittsburgh along the way before venturing to Florida. I have always dabbled into art forms throughout my life including painting, cooking, and glass art. In 2020, during an UpLevel of my spiritual awakening, I took up painting, channeling my emotional and spiritual energies into abstract art. I flow with the process, creating pieces with acrylic and mixed medium, in my signature blue and gold tones. My creations are unique, bold, and capture movement.


The Art District at Amplified Avondale, Jacksonville, FL

Emporium Gallery, St. Augustine, FL

Plush n Prana, Jacksonville, FL


My pieces are inspired by the flow of the sea, created with love in Florida. I am guided to play with the blue tones of the water, the golden tones of the sand, and often the everlasting strength of the shells. Upon my new Florida adventure, following a time of reflection, I was offered a substantial healing experience to UpLevel emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. I began channeling my feelings through painting, healing through the essence of the ocean. May my creations bring peace, healing, and beauty to your life.