< Mihaela Bozariu




I was born on November 3, 1991 in Romania. At the moment I live in Iasi (Romania)
I am a resident doctor in pediatric orthopedic surgery( surgery is one of my passion) and a painter as well.
I’ve been painting since childhood, I participated in 6 painting camps, but I didn’t attend the faculty of arts but medicine. 7 years ago I started painting again. I followed 2 online drawing courses, but I intend to follow a more detailed one-year program starting in December.At the moment, I paint about half of the time, but I intend to devote more time to this passion, even to the point of being the basis of my occupation.


I participated with 10 works in 4 joint exhibitions in Iasi (Romania). At the moment I have 8 paintings sent to Italy, Florence (Galeria Merlino). I participated in the Versilia Biennale in June 2023, and I will also participate in the 2nd part in September. 2 other works will be for the Crypt Gallery, London, in December. In October, I will participate with 2 paintings at an exhibition in Galeria Azur, Miami, USA.


I paint experiences, emotions, the inner universe. I paint life!
When I paint for myself, time and space effectively disappear, having the same experience when I’m in the operating room
When I don’t paint I feel like I don’t live.
I feel that I am connected to the color, to the painting like the soul to the body.