< Jorunn Westad


I am an architect, and have worked as such for many years, mainly running my own firm with employees. My main works as an architect is the culture church at Geilo, Norway, but also several official buildings, dwellings and cottages. My education included artwork, and I have sketched and painted a lot. Around 2000 I started painting more regularly, and as the years went by with many big, energy consuming projects I longed for expressing myself with form and art without intervention from costumers, authorities and constructors. I love expressing myself this way.

I know the blank canvas is hiding something. In the process impressions from inner and outer life are appearing and manifest themselves on the canvas. Perhaps they disappear as the work is driving me on towards a goal I do not yet know about- and then something is happening, and the work shows itself in all its meaning.


visual artist NBK/IAA and civil architect MNAL
Tlf.: +47 924 96 162
insta: jorunnwestad
fb: Jorunn Westad Billedkunst / jorunnwestad

Master of Architecture Oslo School of Architecture
Examen Philosophicum, University of Oslo
Examen Artium, Drammen High School

Form and drawing special courses The School of Architecture with, among others
Tore Haaland and Hans Normann Dahl
4 courses The Nansen Academy in Lillehammer
• Drawing, Runi Langum
• Painting, Vegard Stalsberg
• Graphics, Knut Thiberg
• Conceptual art, Lars Paalgard
Workshop Edyta Sobieray

2002, 2003, 2004 Novemberutstillingen, Drammen – juried exhibition
2016 Geilo Culture Church – solo exhibition
2017 and 2018 Kilen Gallery, Hvasser
From 2018 Gallerii, Tønsberg, permanent exhibitor
2018 Autumn Exhibition, Stavern
2018 and 2019 Lions Slottsfjellmuseet, Tønsberg
2019 Rønningen Gallery, Skien
2020 The Art Association Verdens Ende, Tjøme – juried exhibition
2020 Kilen Gallery, Hvasser – solo exhibition
2020 Gallery Fine Art, Oslo
2021 Annual Exhibition NFUK, Vestfossen – juried exhibition
2021 Gallery Albin Upp, Oslo – solo exhibition
2021 Munchx, Blommenholm
2022 Geilo Culture Church – solo exhibition
22022 Galleria Azur Madrid, Spain
2022 Albin Upp, Oslo anniversary exhibition
2022 The Art Association Verdens Ende, Tjøme
2022 Gallerii, Tønsberg – solo exhibition
2023 Galleri Walaker 300 Solvorn
2023 Galeria Azur NYC, Bowery, New York

2023 Colorida Galleria de Arte, Lisbon
2024 Galleri Soon, shared solo exhibition with Helen Mørken Porcelain

2003 Utsmykkingsoppdrag The Town hotell in Värnamo, Sweden

TF (Cartoonists’ Association)
NBK (Norwegian Visual Artists)
IAA (International Association of Art)
NFUK (Norwegian Association of Independent Artists)


My art moves in dimensions that I don’t quite understand myself – beings that aren’t of this world, landscapes I don’t know about, hints of shapes midway between living and dead.
The sea with the horizon is central to my work, a result of my upbringing with many sea voyages with my father.
Chiaroscuro has become part of my expression – light cannot be perceived without darkness