< Hüseyin Erdag



He was born in 1955 in Manisa, Turkey. After graduating from Anadolu University Chemical Engineering Department in 1980, he worked as an engineer and manager at Petkim and Air Liquide companies for about 40 years. He was also interested in the art of painting during these years. Between 1995 and 2005, he attended the Painter-Sculptor Yaşar Ali Güneş’s workshop. He exhibited his works in İzmir, Bodrum, Çanakkale, Denizli and Balıkesir in Turkey. He participated in the “Balkan Countries Painting Workshop” in Bulgaria in 2000, 2005 and 2018. In 2003, his works were exhibited at the Boston Newton Palmera Gallery of Modern Arts as a part of the Turkish Day celebrations. In 2007, he held an exhibition at Nuoro da Nif Art Gallery in Sardinia, Italy. He last participated in Art and Antique Fair in Bodrum in 2021. He continues working on his paintings in Izmir and Vienna.

Art is like a window that opens to the artist’s inner world. Creating art is not only an execution of a skill but also a reflection of emotions and a form of search. In fact, painting is nothing but a self-portrait of my inner emotional life, where my feelings, curiosities, and longings take shape in colors and forms. It is often so fast that it can be described as instant. Lines, colors, patterns, and deformations can give the illusion of being under the control of my mind. However, this search is a way of seeking a feeling, a love… Painting is a love…and when my emotions are not under my control, that sense of emptiness and timelessness does not arise within me. The moment the chaos inside me begins to unravel and flow outwards is when the painting starts to emerge. Therefore, instead of being fixated on a particular style, my styles multiply as life’s variability and the complexity of emotions increase.


2018 – Bulgaria, Plovdiv Haskovo Yaşar Ali Güneş Exhibition
2018 – Muğla, Bodrum HGC Art Gallery – Personal
2011 – Çanakkale, Gelibolu Mola Cafe – Mixed
2009 – İzmir, Çetin Emeç Art Gallery – with Gianni Pais (photography artist)
2007 – Italy, Sardunya Nuoro – NIF Art Gallery – Personal Exhibition
2006 – İzmir, Buca NATO Facilities – Exhibition with Yaşar Ali Güneş
2005 – Universiade – Balkan Countries Artists – Yaşar Ali Güneş Exhibition
2004 – İzmir, Çetin Emeç Art Gallery – Personal Exhibition
2003 – USA, Boston-Newton Pilmera Modern Art Gallery, Mixed Exhibition
2002 – Çanakkale State Fine Arts Gallery – Personal
2000 – İzmir, Dokuz Eylül University – Balkan Countries Painting Symposium Exhibition
2000 – Muğla, Bodrum Haluk Elbe Art Gallery – Personal
2000 – İzmir, Alsancak Aditya Art Gallery – Personal
1999 – Denizli Gallery of Fine Art Association – Personal
1999 – İzmir, Çetin Emeç Art Gallery – Personal
1998 – İzmir, Çetin Emeç Art Gallery – İzmir B.Ş.B. 75. Year of Republic Competition Exhibition
1998 – Aydın, Kuşadası Pine Bay Holiday Resort – Personal
1998 – Jockey Club of Turkey 4. Art Competition Exhibition
1997 – Balıkesir, Edremit Tahtakuşlar Ethnography Museum Selim Turan Art Gallery – Mixed
1997 – İzmir, Ege University Art Gallery – Mixed
1997 – İzmir, İş Bank Art Gallery – Personal
1996 – İzmir, Çetin Emeç Art Gallery – Personal


Questions about existence that constantly occupy my subconscious mind come in different ways…sometimes it is through J. Paul Sartre’s existentialism, sometimes through the questions of Paul Klee’s “natura naturans”…and most of the time, my paintings take shape in the flow of lines and colors with Sufi feelings, Yunus Emre, Mevlana, and Hallaj Mansur.