South Korea



Socially-defined, among the many things we’ve experienced through education and customs,

I thought of us living our lives in conflict or happiness..

But, we can make new deployments courageously by facing new people and situations..

In my other paintings, people come out in many forms, but most of them are not smiling..

I’ve been trying to describe the paintings for the ordinary places and time passing by while looking at them.

Seemingly, my paintings are brighter and more pleasant because I believe we are the ones who have

courage and cheer up and jump over the hurdles in moody.

It’s because I’ve happily seen our inner selves each other deviating from the things we trusted and followed like robots.

We do not stand as stiff as a tree., It’s not something that just follows the given framework of society.,

But it’s something like nomads that are flexible like roots and freely create with their neighbors.

It generates from everything to become the power and flow of the potential. Rhyzome.

Without a will or energy … seeming tardy and unfamiliar and insecure …

Just opening my mouth slightly and wearing a tie, I can hope this is right and may believe I’m so proud of myself vaguley.

But rather we. who have warm consideration and hope, are together with other people around me …

Like on the podium in “Dead Poet Society”.

Now we learn how to think on our own, to appreciate the language ..

I want to be a poem in our lives the language and thoughts make the world go round.


2021 4th Global Warming Project UBUNTU / An international online exhibition Malaysia Kotakinabalu KIS/
2022 Consumer Desired Price/LES601, Seoul, Korea
2023 Contemporay Matera Italy / Spazio Opera Arte Gallery, Matera, Italy


We have no contour, we are a variety of groups, and we are one side (plate).
Passing through each other, with a different order, just endlessly connected and leaped away.
It is a map with inaccurate and diverse entrances and consists of moving directions.
It is a system in which only states are circulating and is created (=becoming).
We are a “continuity existing between” depicting changes and variations in new arrangements.

We are not just beings who follow the limits of society, but we are free and flexible nomads that are created together with our friends.

We are the flow itself, and the rhyzomes with infinite positive potential.