< Felix Ssuuna




Born(July 1986) from masaka city/Ugand Ssuuna Felix(PPla.nner on histogram) is physical planner by professional with a bachelor’s degree in physical planning from Makarere unversity. He also does painting.
Painting is normally done after work ,some times during night and Abanduntly done when work leave is
Felix is an expressionism visual artist and commonly uses mixed media : Acrylics, backcloth and he is the only artist who ebellishes his canvas with a local natural loofah (ekyangwe in Luganda) on most heads of his human figures to surve as hair and some time on the background.
He claims he loves to paint and to train the talented youth with no formal art education like him to develop their talent for community development.


Felix is a self trained painter whose art education stopped in high school, but resumed serious painting in 2022.
He has never been exposed to art historical isms, however the painter claims to have admire art specifically painting from his two brothers who hold a bachelor in industrial art and design.
Ssuuna is clearly a non-conformist and has ability to render mass in a specifically Ugandan, making his work as vernacular expressionism.
Some of the interesting publications about the artist include “The weganda review a journal of culture, art and ideas”


Felix is a visual artist and does only painting, the themes are mostly on child hood memorise and past stories told to him by friends though some artworks are on present day to day life experience. The art pieces he does are mostly on human figures and he also paints abstract.
The artist’s work presents a brand-new version of Ugandan art, a breakthrough for the artist him self but also for the artistic community at large.
He signs his paintings as PPla.nner meaning physical planner, a reference to his job as a physical planning officer working for masaka district local government.