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I am Eüri, I am an Angel, a Singer, a Painter. I am an infinite spirit, and my biggest superpower is TO LOVE.

I am on this life for heal me, and heal millions of spirits around the universe,
thought my music , art and anything that makes us coming alive.

We re infinite, we are unlimited creatures, and our biggest superpower is the love.

I am not from a country, I am from the universe, from the galaxy. I am not only one, I am the all myself I have
discovered in this beautiful journey called life.

We are all connected by a love extension network. And being present, allows us to connect with it. And everyone of us is discovering the millions ways to be present.

I come alive when I hug, I come alive when I kiss, I come alive when I paint, when i dance, when I play, when Breath, when I am going into the ice water, when I enjoy the silence and the music, I come alive, when I have faith, I come alive when I fly, and I come alive when I love you, recognizing that we are one, and you deverse the purest love and to be free for the ethernity.

I love you forever




In my beautiful path, I see beauty everywhere, because I see beauty within me. I learned how to love the everything, because I learned how to love myself. Every moment, is a creation, is a miracle from the present. For me, art, is more than a piece, for me, art… is my life, my entire life is a piece of art. I realized my happiness is in the simple moments… I realized my happiness in going slow… and appreciate all the blessings in our journey. I realized I can feel it all… I realized I am a super powerful creature from the galaxy inspiring myself and others to love with all of us. When you live with that magical way of feeling the life, everything around can become art. So my art pieces are my love stories my art pieces are my tears, my art pieces are my kisses my art pieces are my crazy naked dancings in the beach my art pieces are my sighs, my hugs, and all that moments… that I love myself and I love deeply a beautiful spirit and My biggest piece of art… MY LIFE. a life to serve and love This is all of me, Eüri