< Esther Medir


Extracting elements from a concrete idea and then letting part of my emotional and intellectual thoughts flow through them is how I express myself. I understand creativity as diverse connections expressed by line, stain and colour.

I am fascinated by the way a line and a spot of colour or matter are incorporated into the space on the paper, and with the variations that this involves. I am inspired by nature as a continuum, its horizons, atmospheres, light …. Geology in the widest sense, going from the global to the specific, from the cosmos to the rock with its veins. I am also inspired by philosophy, and botany seen as a science with a spiritual load.

Etching inspired me because it is a technique which has its own rules, where the result is often uncertain. This magical and unexpected part of the procedure means the emotion nearly always exceeds the rational idea. The smell of the ink, the textures of the paper and the plates covered in ink give it a special charm. Working directly on the metal plate, dry point with its velvety strokes means the process is almost infinite, because with every repetition, new questions, doubts and nuances need to be resolved.


Born in Barcelona, ​​1972. I studied law and art at the University of Barcelona (UB). For a few years I dedicated myself to the fashion and textile world where printing had great prominence and I realized that I liked graphic work and I did an specific course in Llotja (Barcelona) and since then I have dedicated myself to engraving, delving into its various techniques. During the 90’s I made several collective and individual exhibitions in the cities of Barcelona, ​​Zaragoza, Huesca and Montpellier. In recent years I have made several editions and worked for interior designers, events and companies´s awards, as well as private collectors.


The abstraction of nature as a complex reality from which visual elements are chosen is present in my work. I observe, I photograph and I meditate on the theme I am developing. Sometimes leaving it unfinished allows me to pick it up again with renewed energy. This part of the process –the unlimited end – is pleasurable for me.