< Carolina Iturrospe




Born on October 11th in Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina, and her interest in painting began a few years after completing her studies in Economics. She pursued Art History at the Asociación Amigos del Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes and participated in several Art clinics at the Asociación del Museo de Bellas Artes and Corpartes in Santiago, Chile. She also studied painting with Juan Bernardez for a few years.

The artist has participated in various group exhibitions, in Buenos Aires, as well a, New York, Punta del Este, and Santiago de Chile. In addition, Carolina has held two solo exhibitions: “Nostalgias Marinas” in Mar del Plata, which was organized by the Municipality of General Pueyrredón in honor of Alfondsina Storni, and “Conexión Agua -Reflejos internos-” at the Centro Cultural Cabrales in Mar del Plata.

When reflecting on her creative process, Carolina states, “I am self-taught in exploring my technique and textures, working alone in my studio, accompanied by the music of Mozart and Beethoven. My primary source of inspiration has always been the sea. I grew up by the sea in Mar del Plata, and painting its colors, immensity, and lack of limits has been transformative.”

The sea, in particular, continues to play a significant role in Carolina’s life and work. As she explains, “Every time I look at the sea, I feel a sense of strength and resilience, and I know that I can heal. For me, the sea represents a place of liberation, where the water that cures everything is ever-present. Painting has allowed me to express my emotions and seek meaning in a way that I could not in my daily life.”

Carolina currently participates in two permanent international exhibitions in Italy: Matera and Comuna di Nereto. Her works have been acquired by private collectors in Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, the United States, Switzerland (Geneva), Italy, the United Kingdom, and Mexico



Carolina Iturrospe

My abstract sense manifests on pure shapes , is not about conceptual art, my material paintings are beyond styles , they pursue both tactile and visual response, a desire to touch and explore.
My works are made with a mixed technique on canvas, using natural pigments, and textures, everything refering to nature.
I always feel so emotional about Beethoven’s music while painting and of course, nature is definitely my trigger images, I also feel represented by it’s own life: earth, wind and all the basic elements.
I reflect on my painting a soil erosion and corrosion, the reconstruction of a revised and recovered nature, perhaps as the mainstay of my life in Buenos Aires.
I build a mysterious emotional ground of emerging pure figures, fossils and eroded stones, like a menhirs .