< Alexandra Mikáczó



I have always wanted to deal with visual arts, so I visited an art class at a grammar school in Hungary. After grammar school I studied painting at a Hungarian university. During this time I have started to deal with abstract art, mainly with geometric abstraction. After getting my BA degree, I decided that I would like to deal with the theoretical part of visual arts too, that is why I studied aesthetich and art theory. Recently I am working on my PhD thesis what are also connected to visual abstraction. Besides, I continue my fine art activity too.


2021 – 2025 Modern Philosophy PhD Program, Doctoral School of Human Sciences, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary
2019 – 2021 Aesthetics and Art Theory MA, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary
2016 – 2019 Visual Representation BA, Painter Specialization, Eszterházy Károly University, Eger, Hungary
2012 – 2016 Art Class, Medgyessy Ferenc Grammar School and Secondary School of Art, Debrecen, Hungary

Collective Exhibitions (from 2022)
2023 VIII. Water And Life International Art Biennale, Contemporary Gallery, Eötvös József College, Baja, Hungary
2023 Metszet No.1, K28 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
2022 Petőfi Költészete A Kortárs Képző- És Iparművészetben, Kecskemét, Hungary
2022 A Velünk Élő Petőfi, Pannónia Cultural Centre And Library Balatonalmádi, Hungary
2022 Unsend, Postal Museum, Budapest, Hungary
2022 Godot Art Expo 2022, Godot Institute Of Contemporary Art, Budapest, Hungary
2022 Vanish 2022, Virtual Exhibition Of Victory Art (Online), Netherlands
2022 A Velünk Élő Petőfi, Mank Gallery, Szentendre, Hungary


The basic feature of my work is constructivity, the arrangement of simple yet expressive forms. Within the field of abstraction, I am primarily interested in the problems of symmetry and asymmetry, and the stricter, thought-out, geometric shapes. However, in some cases I fill these geometrically delineated shapes or the space surrounding them with a looser, more dissolved brushwork. Following the principle of simplicity, I use elements such as the quadrangle or the triangle. I use little-color, in wich non-colors (black and white) appears as well, creating a special contrast.