< Teppo Heikki Lankinen


I am visual artist from Finland. My Topics are mystical depictions of nature-human relationships. Expressing emotions is everything for me. Color is the key factor in the process of visual expression.

It is clear that I´m an expressionist. I am aiming to make very strong emotional atmosphere in my artworks. I am able to feel different emotions while working.

My emotions are reflected in the work when I am making decision how to proceed with the current artwork. I am working very fast trying to connect the primitive side of myself. Intuitive decisions are made in my artistic process.



Artist CV


Bachelor of Arts, Lapin yliopisto, 2009


Jailhouse Blues, vesiliukoisien maalaustekniikoiden teoksia Varjo Galleriassa, Rovaniemi 06/2021

Pang Pang, akvarelleja ja sekatekniikkaa, Galleria, Rovaniemi 11/2018

Landscapes, maalauksia ja veistoksia Arton ARTila Galleriassa, Oulu 04/2018

All Kinds, maalauksia, grafiikkaa ja veistoksia Galleria 5:ssä, Oulu, 06/2017

Movie Parodies, maalauksia ja grafiikkaa Kooma Galleriassa, Oulu, 12/2016

Shamanaanin matkasta , teoksia Galleria  Rovaniemi, 11/2014

G5 galleriassa Jaakko Heikkisen kanssa, Oulu, 10/2021

y A2 Galleriassa Jaakko Heikkisen kanssa, Helsinki 07/2021

Samoissa tiloissa, Galleria Art Halvaressa Jaakko Heikkisen ja Johanna Laajan kanssa, Oulu, 07/2019

Wild Wild West, Anne Mustosen kanssa Tornion kaupungintalon ala-aulan , Tornio 10/2016

Hokay Hey,  Jaakko Heikkisen, Antti Immosen ja Anna Emilia  kanssa Taidekeskus Ahjossa, Joensuu, 02/2016

Group Exhibitions

Animals In The Art Zoo Galerie Toolbox Berlin 04/2016

. Galleria Rankka, Helsinki 03/2020

Snowball Effect, Art museum of Rovaniemi, 06/2014


In my creative process I´m pushing everything to the very limit. Sometimes this process destroys the original idea and work. Then I´m facing new beginning and I am starting to process my current work again. Then I can find something totally new. I´m evaluating my success by how strong the present atmosphere is. Naturally also proper aesthetics need to be present in the artwork.