< La principessa sul bidet



Sandra Ansaldi is a doctor, specialized in psychiatry. Having always painted, from 2003 she frequents dedicatedly during 4 years the
workshops of two Turinese masters, where she develops her abstract technique.
Since january 2011, untill 2016, she is involved in engraving activities, being part of « Arting Association » ( and attending
the historic workshop IDEM located in Montparnasse. She lives and works in northern Italy and in Paris. In 2008 she worked on a project of
covers for Alfredo Marzano’s book appeared at the beginning of 2009 (Iecur: storie e chimere. Ed. SEEd).
Since 2021, she has dedicated herself to sculpture and conceptual art. The artist has made the change and transformation of her
object her forte. At the center of her work is the “objet detourne”, the object torn from its original meaning and which takes on
a new identity and function. Sandra is fascinated by being able to become “other”, by reinventing a new story and a new
meaning beyond the signifier. She loves playing on titles with puns and ironic references. Perhaps the most emblematic work is
the bidet, expressed in a series of themes. After 15 years of living in France, Sandra transformed this ‘sacred’ object of Italian
culture into an “Apero” table, an institution equally sacred to the French
She also dedicates herself to the writing, more particularly to the poetry, what was worth to her several literary prizes (prize Pierangelo
Bessone, on 2003; Prize Pavese to San Stefano Belbo, on 2004; Prize of the city of Mesagne, on 2005). She published for “Gli Spigolatori”
Editions a little anthology of Italian poetries in october 2011, and an anthology of haiku for HSL editions (2020).


From 20 to 22 October 2023: Art shopping contemporary art fair at the Carousel du Louvre Paris
31 October 5 November 2023: Paratissima royal horsewoman Turin
From 4 to 7 April 2024: Art expo New York
May 2021 – today: Own artist showroom, Torino – San Salvario
November 2015: Galery « La goutte de Terre », Paris 11- Collective exhibition
Permanent exhibition Galerie Belartvita (www 8 rue Augereau -
Paris 07
December 2012: Piccola Galleria Materica, MONDOVI’ (Italie) – private exhibition
February – may 2012: Arting Gallery, La Défense – general exhibition
January-March 2012: International Prize « Kosmos » (Tuscany) for best emerging italian artiste
November 2011: ST Art, Strasbourg : European Contemporary Art Fair
October 2011: « La goutte de terre » Gallery, Paris
general exhibition
September 2011:
« Espace 117 » Gallery, Paris: general exhibition for « Europa Donna »
« Couvent des Récollets », Paris
July 2011:
Parallax Art Fair, London
Prize « Il Segno », Zamenhof Galery, Milan
June 2011:
IV Contemporary Art Biennal, Genova (Italy)
Movicentro, Bra (Italy) general exhibition
Journée de l ‘Estampe (Day of the engraving), Paris
May 2011:
« Piccola Galleria Materica » Gallery, Mondovi (Italy) private exhibition
« Oberkampt » Gallery, Paris general exhibition
April 2011: « Iconoclastes » Gallery, Paris general exhibition
December 2010: Angel Christmas Fair, London
September 2010: Movicentro, Bra (Italy) general exhibition, prize for the painting category
February 2008: « Art Gallery » , Turin general exhibition
June 2007: « WunderKammer » Gallery, Turin private exhibition
February 2007: Diwan Café, Turin private exhibition
March 2004: “Artes” Gallery, Mondovi (Italy) general exhibition


At the center of my work is yhe “objet détourné'”, the transformed object, torn from its original meaning and taking on a new identity and function. I am fascinated by being able to reinvent a new story and meaning beyond the signifier.

I love playing on titles with puns, ironic references and wordplay. My most emblematic work is the bidet, expressed in a series of themes. After 15 years of living in france, I transformed this sacred object of Italian culture into an Apero table, creating something equally sacred to the French.

I never imagined that something, I took for granted my whole life, will became an obsession.
As an Italian born from Torino, we cannot live without a bidet. Fifteen years ago, I moved to France here the bidet culture was disappearing. I suffered so much from not having my bidet, that upon my return in Italy, I created the French iconic aperitif on the bidet!
My bidets also send many philosophical messages. Each one has a precise political, economical and cultural message with a sense of humor.
Celebrating two beautiful cultures, one bidet at a time.