< Paiyi Sally Chang



I’m glad to have this opportunity to introduce myself briefly to you.
I am a women’s shoes designer with 26 years of experience in the industry. My love of art began in my childhood and has continued throughout my academic history. When I was in primary school, I showed a strong interest towards art. Later in middle school, i entered an art program to receive professional education. In high school, I graduated from Fu – hsin Trade & Art School, specializing in metal sculptures. In 1998, I completed my bachelors of arts in jewelry design from London at Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design. In 2001, I completed my masters in art in Fashion accessories design at London college of Fashion.

In the year 2020 during the pandemic, our life styles have been changed.
It gave me with an opportunity to reignite my love for painting. Painting allows me to free my mind, settle my thoughts, and transform colors into unique energy. This not only inspires me but also deepens my understanding of the connection between art and creativity.

Although I am still a footwear designer, painting has become an indispensable part of my life. Integrating the field of painting into my daily design work not only brings me more creative inspiration, broadens my vision, and makes me have a more comprehensive understanding of the intersection between fashion and art. I look forward to sharing my works with audiences in future art exhibitions, and spreading my love for art to a larger audience through my artwork. I hope they can find personal and emotional resonance in my paintings, and gain inspiration and beauty.


2023. China / Emotion and Color Self-exploration Online Art Exhibition

2024. China / Light of Love-Global Healing Art Competition Online Exhibition
Most Popular Award

2024. Italy / 19th Venice International Art Fair
The Body Language

2024. Italy / 19th Venice International Art Fair
Future Landscapes

2024. China / Light of Urban Exhibition
International art Education & Therapy Festival Nanjing


My work is focused on color, which allows for the exploration of emotional perception. Using oil painting as the medium provides an experimental platform, allowing me to use bold color changes to interpret the flow of my inner emotions.
Through the use of colors, I hope that my artwork will emotionally connect with the viewer on a spiritual level, providing the opportunity for the viewer to explore their own inner feelings and awareness. My creations are often inspired by the surroundings that I observe. When the world in front of me reaches my inner feelings, I like to capture those special moments quickly with my phone. These pictures record my emotional fragments, which will automatically reach my mind. I like to observe the colors present in these emotional fragments, and use the colors that touch my inner emotions to paint. This process is happiest and most enjoyable for me, as it shows my feelings freely and widely.