< Matthias Eitner


DenkRaum Deutschland, Pinakothek der Moderne, München, group exhibition
since 2018 exhibitions and artfairs all over Europe
since 2015 intense commitment to painting
since 2011 lecturer AMD Hamburg, main focus: intuition as source of artistic processes
1990-2014 stylist & art-direktor
since 1987 design-assistence for different german companies
visits to europeen museums, research: composition und style development
1986 Diplom HAW, Armgartstraße, Hamburg
class of Prof. B. Thoma, painting: improvisation
1982 – 1986 studies HAW Hamburg, Armgartstraße, fashion design, Prof. L. Baumstark
an inventive childhood
born 1957 in Schleswig-Holstein


– M.A.D.S. Gallery, Barcelona, 2022 “Brain Cake”, Mixed-Media
Art Exposition
– DENKRAUM DEUTSCHLAND 2022 “Love&Peace”, Pinakothek
der Moderne, München, Curator: Miro Craemer
– POLARITY 09. 2022, sponsored by: Behörde
für Kultur und Medien
– Art- Nordic, Copenhagen, 08. 2022
– INCorporated art fair, 05. 2022 Oberhafenquartier, Hamburg
– Kunstherbst/ALTONALE 2021 Soloexhibition
– LES PRINTEMPS 07.2021, sponsored by: Behörde für Kultur
und Medien
– Art-Essenz, Sony-Center, Berlin, 2020 Exhibition “Grenzen aus 3
Perspektiven” DESIGNXPORT Hamburg
– “MENSCHENBILDER”, 2015-2020, sponsored by: Behörde für
Kultur und Medien
– Galleria De Marchi, Bologna 2019 Trevisan International Art,
ILLUSION OF REALITY, Award of Exellence
– SWISSARTEXPO, Zürich, 2019
– Hanse Art, Lübeck 2019
– Soloexhibition, Lukas-Kirche, Hamburg, Okt. + Nov. 2018
– Art-Essenz, Sony-Center, Berlin 2018


Beginning in 2015, Matthias Eitner’s paintings have been created as a reaction to changes in societal structure and new aesthetic standards. They are declarations of love for humanity, and set flaws on the same level as superficially beautiful imagery and living environments. Moments are slowed down and become icons of daily life. The images are, figuratively, advancements of photographic techniques – spontaneous images, snapshots. They are improvisations, in form and content raw. Parallel worlds and “the street” are the most important inspirations for the imagery of Matthias Eitner.

In this manner of working, digital media and analog techniques are closely connected. Quickly drying colors and coarse brushes evoke speed, intuition, and improvisation in the creation process, as well as give the painting an expressive tone.

Deep darkness, blurred lines and “false colors” create room for interpretation, allow the addition of your own story, and mirror complexity.

The works create spontaneous closeness, as well as harsh rejection …as they should!