< Martin Kralj



I was born in Trieste, Italy. Ever since I was young, I ‘ve had this need to express myself to art. Even though the job I ended up choosing after I graduated in Economics was quite different, I was fortunate to meet some amazing people-artists and art critics-through my connections with the art magazine Juliet from its first pubblication in 1980. Building strong connections with them, based on respect and friendship, has kept me motivated to never give up on my artistic aspirations,


‘In Collaboration with Nature’ Solo exhibition at Art Gallery Carsic House in Repen (Trieste) 21 April – 14 May 2023

‘Travel Canvases’ Solo exhibition at Montura store Trieste 11 July- 1 August 2023

‘Only Words’ Solo exhibition at JulietRoom Art Gallery in Muggia (Trieste) 14 October – 25 November 2023

‘In collaboration with Nature’ Solo exhibition at Lucca Art Fair in Lucca 19 April – 21 April 2024


I focus on the theme ‘In Collaboration with Nature’, aiming to establish a connection with the environment around my home. I paint in the garden and the woods behind my house. Afterward, I expose the canvases to the elements – sun, rain and wind – letting them engage in a dialogue with the nature around them. The flowers, leaves, lavender bushes, rosemary, and the vineyard all play a part in this interaction. The end result reflects this collaboration, although I acknowledge that it’s impossible to rival the beauty of nature.