< Kyla Balke




Kyla Balke was born in Thunder Bay Ontario. As a new emerging abstract expressionist, she practices using mixed media techniques with an eclectic yet minimalist style and throughout this journey she has discovered her passion. In response to 2020’s rapid societal change, inequities, and oppression, she started utilizing art as a vehicle for emotional release to foster resilience. From this point on, Kyla got involved in the art community, obtained representation and exhibited internationally. Her work is known for its healing capacities that often evoke a visceral affect within the viewer. As a trauma informed advocate in mental health, Kyla continues to work toward shifting the narratives to that of strength, courage and transcendence with the use of mixed media abstract art.



Lakehead University, Honours Bachelor of Social Work, 2015

Confederation College, Therapeutic Recreation Diploma, 2010


‘Galeria Azur’ Madrid, Spain, 2022

‘Laura I Art Gallery’ London, England, 2021


2021 ‘Faded but Beautiful’ Group Exhibition ‘Art of Emotions Gallery’, Toronto ON

2021 ‘Abstract’ Online Group Exhibition ‘Gallery Ring’ – Crystal Award

2021 ‘Purely Primary’ Group Exhibition ‘Van Der Plas Gallery’ New York City, NY

2021 ‘Art for the Soul’ Online Exhibition curated by Laura Iosifescu, London, England

2021 ‘Art for the Soul’ Online charitable auction curated by Laura Iosifescu, London, England

2022. ‘Art Shopping- Carrousel du Louvre’ Paris, France curated by ‘Artio Gallery’, Toronto ON

2022 ‘5th International Contemporary Art Fair Luxembourg” curated by ‘Galeria Gaudi’ Madrid Spain

2022 ‘Stripped’ Group Exhibition, ‘Galeria Azur’ Madrid, Spain


Public Collection, Thunder Bay, ON

Private Collection, Geraldton, ON

Private Collection, Stony Plain, AB

Private Collection, Thunder Bay, ON

Private Collection, Markham, ON

Private Collection, Wichita, Kansas

Private Collection, Hudson, Florida


As an abstract expressionist, I practice with no plan and follow no guidelines. There is so much in life we cannot control and I often practice in ways that relinquish many variables to this, such as eyes closed, using my non dominant hand, and improvising with whatever I have as a tool. Embodied movement in the studio empowers me to create bold imperfections with many layers until I am captivated by the stories my mind, body and soul are trying to convey.My focus is to inspire others and bring attention to mental health, while cultivating hope, courage and strength to foster resilience in the face of adversity