< Jillian Zepeda
United States



Jillian Zepeda lives in and works in Dallas, TX. Although she is not a Texas native, she grew up in a small creative town, Sisters, Oregon. Where the arts were encouraged and celebrated starting at a young age. It is in this town where she was able to explore her creativity and knew that she wanted to be an artist. She started art school at Suffolk University in Boston but switched her focus to Film and graduated from the University of California, Irvine with a degree in Film and Media with an emphasis in screenwriting. Where she still uses her creative writing skills to start all of her paintings. Each painting is a different story based on the theme of the collection.
Jillian’s style of Abstract from Realism is a visual art collection that tells the stories from everyday life with the use of color, shapes, textures and movement. Her style of Abstract from Realism was created to spark emotions, memories and imagination within the viewer.


– nAscent Art – Ongoing Representation – New York, New York – 2022

– CanvasRebel – Article – July 2022

– Voyage Dallas – Article – February 2021

– The Other Art Fair – Dallas Texas – October 2021

– Commissions – Factory Six03 – Dallas Texas – September 2021

– Emerging Art Scene, Dubai UAE – September 2021

– Color Me Empowered Art Auction, Dallas Texas – August 2021

– The Holy Art, London – July 2021

– Galeria Azur, Madrid Spain – July 2021

– M.A.D.S Gallery – Milan Italy – June 2021

– Canvas Hotel, Dallas Texas – June 2021

– ART San Diego – October 2019

– The Loft – Bend, OR – September 2018


I love telling stories about relationships with people in my life and also the relationship I have with myself. These stories aren’t just my stories they are relatable and there are people out there who have had the same experiences or know someone who have had similar experiences. That is why all of my collections start with a story, a message. I try to convey and touch on all the difference aspects of that theme, to look at it from difference perspective, whether it is from a different age or gender. Because at the end of the day we as humans are empathetic creatures and we can relate to one another. And that is what I try to convey through my style of “Abstract from Realism.” It all comes from a place of reality I simply transpose it through shapes, color and movement.