< Ivo Franjo Zibulla


Ivo Zibulla is a self-made artist based in Leipzig. His works focus on the implications symbols have on the human psyche both on subjective and group behavioural patterns. He uses various artistic media, like painting, sculpture and installation, partly in public space.

His works are inspired by the 8bit/16bit aesthetics of early video games, while incorporating schamanic and sacral art from around the world. He uses the epithet Mu as signature.



since 2013 – working as professional artist

since 2008 – Co-founder of graphic collective ungestalt, Leipzig

2007– University of Applied Sciences Leipzig, Diploma in Publishing & Printing Engineering

Solo shows, Fairs

2021– A glipse of digital nature, Zwischenfisch gallery, Leipzig (D)

2019 – pixelethics, LOFFT, Leipzig (D)

2019 – Retrographics, Gamescom, Köln (D)

2019 – Feminist Pixel Pioneers, Akko Hummus Bar, Leipzig (D)

2018 – Chaos Computer Club, Designers Open 2018, Leipzig (D)

2018 – pixelethics, Lindenow Kunstfestival, Leipzig (D)

2018 – Art Cologne, Cologne (D)

2017 – Affordable Art Fair, Hamburg (D)

2017 – Nacht der Kunst, Leipzig (D)

2013 – Pac Man Mania, Tapetenwerk, Leipzig (D)


2020 – g.flow Laptop Stand Art Edition, with grapelab (South Korea)

2019 – Ancient Trance Festival, Landart Project, Taucha (D)

2018 – Darkroom, Delet(h)e, Galerie Hier + Jetzt, Leipzig (D)

2017 – Klang(t)raum, Gotteskinderzimmer, Galerie Hier + Jetzt, Leipzig (D)


2016 – Art House, Tainan City, Taiwan (TW)


I consider myself using art as an abstraction of reality. I like to bring pixel into the material world. They were never meant for that. They are artifacts of former technical limitations. I like to research their qualities by traditional art techniques, creating symbolic works, with references to minimalism, abstract and op art. This is my current way of questioning these digitally dominant times.