< Eliza Anne Intuitive Arts
United States



I grew up in the mountains where the Sierra range ends and the Cascade Range begins. A valley remote and far away from any city. From there, I moved to Humboldt County to attend University. Many moves later, I have landed back in my beloved Northern California, where the natural landscapes, green pastures, multi-species forests, ocean views with dramatic cliffs, and wild animals abound. Everywhere you look is inspiration for bright, colorful, and unencumbered creativity.
I began exploring mixed media art during the COVID-19 lockdown. I found rather quickly that creating images on paper spoke to me on a level I had not experienced before. I would work late into the evening creating women’s shapes and faces that looked back at me while I spent hours trying to tell their stories. Mindful and healing, these women were all a different part of me that would aid in my path to healing from severe CPTSD. A disorder that had been diagnosed a few years prior.
In exploring different media types, I discovered Alcohol Inks, and in these, I have found my match. This medium is nothing short of magical. Tiny vials of brilliant colors that move and fractionate into multiple shapes and shades. There is a beautiful relationship with working with the Alcohol inks. They are not easily controlled. They move in their way. I have my ideas going into the process, and we have come to a compromise. Be it a flowing underwater scene, a floral, or an open landscape, they have taught me so much about letting go of preconceived notions of perfection and accepting my unique experiences. The outcome is always a free, loose, wild, and colorful creation that speaks a vibrancy to an unencumbered and brave life.


Bachelor of Arts in Theatre


Eliza Anne is a mixed media artist specializing in Alcohol Inks. Her experiences as an actor, teacher, dancer, and writer have given her an insight into the human experience that understands shared stories and the collective desire to live a joyful life. Her paintings are deeply rooted in fearless movement, vibrant feeling colors, and lush textures all inspired by the natural world around her and the process of living mindfully.