< Cristina Vinyals



Cristina Vinyals, is an artist born in Mallorca (Spain) in 1988, who has been interested in everything related to creativity since an early age. As an architect and interior design by profession, she feels lucky to be able to live with her family in a house that has designed herself.

Vinyals has always remained connected to art, but this year the inspiration found her working, just when she was visiting a construction site a large window fell down turning into a million crystals. At that time, Cristina was recycling everything she found interesting for her works, which is how she found her own style by which today she can be recognized without seeing the signature, it is the glass mosaic.



Graduated in Architecture at the EAR (2005-2011)
Design, management and direction of projects at la GADE (2011-2012)
Interior photography (2012)
Interior design in the UEMC (2013)
Commercial management and marketing in the GADE (2015)

Began her art in summer 2023

– Nit de l’art Palma de Mallorca (sep. 2023)
– Art i Copes Sa Pobla, Mallorca (oct. 2023)
– ART3f Porte de Versailles, París (jan. 2024)
– Expo Fundación CB, Badajoz (jan-feb. 2024)
– Galería Gaudí, Madrid (feb. 2024)
– Galería Uxval Gochez (feb-mar 2024)
– Toolip art Gallery, Budapest (mar. 2024)
– Galería Azur, Berlin (mar. 2024)
– ART 3f Barcelona (abr. 2024)

– Finalist award II Premio Internacional de pintura Francisco Pedraja Muñoz (noviembre 2023)


Always committed to the environment, she believes that the cultural sector can raise awareness in people’s mentalities, which is why she uses natural pigments to make her works, they evoke nature and are sustainable. With the glass mosaic she express the ambiguous relationship of the nature, which, like glass, is resistant but fragile.

Furthermore, depending on how the light hits the painting it changes tone and texture, which gives the sensation that it is alive.

Inspired by the ‘kintsugi’ a Japanese technique that is used to fix fractures in ceramics with gold dust. Cristina highlights the cracks with recycled 18k gold while repairing them, so they are proof of imperfection and fragility but also of resilience (the ability to recover, in this case referring to nature).